Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Popcorn Machine in Your House? I'm in Heaven

With these new high-tech movie rooms and entertainment centers that people are putting in the homes, the movie theater has moved in the American residence. People have huge screens, theater seats and carpets, and popcorn machines. How great is that? You can make your own hot, fresh popcorn right in your living room or movie room. It's a good thin I don't have a popcorn machine in my house, because it I did, I would probably eat it day and night. There are some things in this world that make it worth living here -- and this is one of them!

Snowflake Decorations Can Make Your Christmas Tree Rock!!

Well, Christmas is almost here and next week we'll be buying a tree and decorating it. I finally got my wonderful fiancee Angelina to agree to let me get a nice Christmas tree this year. For the last two years, we've had this ugly, beat up Christmas tree that was so hideous that every time I looked at it, I got heartburn. We have a bunch of really great decorations, and I will surely get a few more, including some snowflake decorations. I love this time of season!